Our world is more diverse now than ever before. Communities across the country are seeing different cultures come together to live and work. While those cultures have their differences, they also have numerous similarities. Of course, the similarities often get overshadowed, and the differences tend to come to the forefront. That can leave people feeling isolated, overlooked, and at odds with their neighbors and coworkers. With all that being the case, embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion is more crucial than ever.
Inclusion is particularly essential in the field of healthcare. It ensures all team members are treated fairly and equally, which is sure to improve their performance, teamwork, and the quality of care they provide to patients. It can also reduce employee turnover rates among other benefits. Beyond the impact of good inclusion policiesย on medical facilities’ staff, it improves the patient experience and can have positive effects that spread throughout the community. The following strategies can help healthcare facilities develop a culture that makes everyone feel seen, heard, and included.
Unbiased Hiring Processes
For one, healthcare facilities should use fair, unbiased hiring processes. These days, most don’t intentionally discriminate based on specific factors. Unfortunately, though, unconscious bias is often an issue. Because of that, it’s important to eliminate the potential for those biases to influence hiring decisions. Implementing blind screening processes and standardized hiring criteria can go a long way in this regard. Having diverse interview panels can also reduce the risks of unfairness and discrimination.
Reaching Out
Another way to create an inclusive atmosphere is to reach out beyond the standard hiring platforms and talent pools. As communities become increasingly global, so do their workforces, but not all highly qualified candidates go through the same channels in their job searches. Medical facilities can partner with healthcare recruitment agencies that have diverse talent pools to draw from. They can also work with various professional organizations, community programs, and channels that focus on underrepresented groups to find new team members. That aids in creating a more diverse, and therefore more inclusive, team.
Ongoing DEI Training
Effective inclusion policies also include ongoing DEI training. This training may focus on cultural competence and sensitivity, recognizing and reversing bias and discrimination, and other relevant points. Healthcare facilities can also educate staff members on the benefits of diversityย and raise awareness on the importance of support and advocacy.
It’s equally important to encourage feedback on those aspects from everyone involved. That allows for ongoing improvement and finding new ways to further foster inclusion.
Start With Leadership
Finally, it’s essential for organizations of all types, including those in healthcare, to start with their leadershipย teams when creating an inclusive culture. That applies to DEI training, creating a more diverse leadership team, and developing evaluations and accountability metrics for those higher-ups. Employees generally look up to their leadership teams. They look to them for guidance and follow their examples. With a diverse leadership team that embraces differences and welcomes inclusion, those values will filter down to other employees.
Improving the Healthcare Environment for Everyone
Communities are growing ever more diverse these days, and divergence can bring about countless benefits. That’s especially true in healthcare where medical professionals, their patients, and their communities are so closely intertwined.
Embracing inclusion can help medical personnel feel more welcome and appreciated at work. It can encourage staff members to fully listen to each other and benefit from the experience of their fellow employees. It’s sure to help medical facilities operate more smoothly and provide better care to their patients as well.