How to Delete Messages for Everyone on WhatsApp – A Comprehensive Guide

how to delete messages for everyone on whatsapp

Are you wondering how to delete messages for everyone on WhatsApp? Deleting messages can be a useful feature when you want to remove something you’ve sent in error or if you simply want to clean up your chat history. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of deleting messages for everyone on WhatsApp.

How to Delete Messages for Everyone on WhatsApp

To take advantage of the “Delete for Everyone” feature on WhatsApp and ensure that your messages are deleted not only from your own device but also from the recipient’s device, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your smartphone.
  2. Go to the chat where you want to delete a message.
  3. Tap and hold the message you wish to delete.
  4. Select the “Delete” option from the menu that appears.
  5. Choose “Delete for Everyone” to remove the message from all devices involved in the conversation.

It’s important to note that this feature has certain limitations and requirements. For instance, both you and the recipient must have updated versions of WhatsApp installed on your devices, and it is only possible to delete messages within a specific time frame.

How to Delete Specific Messages for Everyone on WhatsApp

Deleting specific messages for everyone on WhatsApp is a handy feature that allows you to remove embarrassing or mistakenly sent messages from both your device and the recipient’s device. Follow these steps to ensure that the message is deleted successfully:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp application on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to Chat: Locate the chat where the message you want to delete is located.
  3. Select Message: Tap and hold the message you wish to delete until a menu appears.
  4. Choose Delete: From the menu options, select “Delete” then tap on “Delete for Everyone.”
  5. Confirm Deletion: A pop-up notification will appear, asking if you want to delete this message for everyone. Tap “Delete” again.
  6. Message Deleted: Once successfully deleted, both you and the recipient will see a notification stating, “This message was deleted.”

Remember, this feature only works if both parties involved have updated versions of WhatsApp installed on their devices within a 7-minute window after sending the message.

Deleting messages for everyone in individual chats

If you’ve sent a message in an individual chat by mistake or regret it later, don’t worry; there’s still hope! Follow these simple steps:

  1. Find Individual Chat: Open WhatsApp and navigate to the individual chat where the unwanted message is located.
  2. Locate Message: Scroll through the conversation until you find the specific message that needs deleting.
  3. Tap and Hold Message: Press and hold down on the message until options appear.
  4. Select Delete: Choose “Delete” from among the options displayed.
  5. Confirm Deletion: In order to delete this particular message for both yourself and your contact, tap on “Delete for Everyone”.

Now sit back and breathe a sigh of relief as the message vanishes without a trace from both devices.

Deleting messages for everyone in group chats

Group chats can be lively and fast-paced, often leading to accidental or unwanted messages. If you find yourself needing to delete a message for everyone in a group chat, follow these steps:

  1. Open Group Chat: Launch WhatsApp and navigate to the group chat where the message you want to delete is located.
  2. Locate Message: Scroll through the conversation until you locate the specific message that needs deleting.
  3. Tap and Hold Message: Press and hold down on the message until options appear.
  4. Choose Delete: Select “Delete” from among the options displayed.
  5. Confirm Deletion: In order to delete this particular message for all members of the group, tap on “Delete for Everyone”.

By following these steps, you can ensure that any unwanted or mistakenly sent messages are eliminated from both your device and every participant’s device in the group chat.

Remember, it’s important to act quickly when using this feature as there is only a limited time window available to successfully delete messages for everyone on WhatsApp. So next time you find yourself in an awkward messaging situation, don’t panic – just follow these simple steps!